Thursday, January 7, 2010

Yoo Haloo!

A new blog for a new year! I have lots planned for this new little blog of mine.

I love scrapbooking, but lately I just haven't felt like doing much of it. It makes me sad because I also love taking pictures, and capturing memories. Yet those memories are locked away on my hard drive. I'm horrible about remembering to update even my facebook photo albums much less albums around the house. I'm hoping that by getting back into blogging, I will be able to do much more documenting of our family's memories!

I also want to use this blog for journaling. It will be somewhere I can compile my thoughts. Somewhere I can bounce ideas off of friends or strangers. Somewhere I can vent my frustrations & share my happiness.

So there you have it. My very first blog post on my new blog in the new year! Take a moment to say hello!